About Us

We provide high-quality, affordable early learning and promote economic mobility for families. 

Mission Statement

Our distinctive approach:

We empower families to significantly improve their economic circumstances and break the cycle of poverty by providing a powerful combination of direct material assistance for the household, affordable & high-quality early learning for children ages 1-5 years old, and individualized economic mobility services that help caregivers increase wage-earning potential, facilitate emergency savings, and encourage investing in the future.


We Can Help

Whether it is making sure your family has food to eat, your child has a safe place to learn during the day, or something else, we offer many resources to improve the quality of lives!

Our Services

Understanding the Need

This document provides some insight to our community and its needs, which drive the work we do here at MCUM.

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You Can Help!

We offer a variety of volunteer positions and we accept monetary and in-kind contributions.

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